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Our local, in-house Client Service Center is here to serve

Located in our Benton Banking Center, our client service center is available to give you the expert banking assistance you need. Get details about our checking and savings accounts, IRAs, CDs, and more. Check the current status of your loan, or get information about a new one. Report lost or stolen cards or notify us about fraudulent transactions for immediate action. Our team is eager to help you!

Phone Numbers

Local: 270-527-4600

Toll-Free: 888-226-5669

Client Service Hours

Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am - 12:00pm

CFSB employee sitting at a computer

Our Client Service Representatives can assist you with:

  • Telephone banking

  • Account inquiries - checking, savings, IRAs, CDs, loans, etc.

  • Debit card inquiries and credit references

  • Stop payments / debit alerts

  • Opening new accounts 

  • Online banking assistance

  • Transferring funds

  • Upcoming travel information

  • Processing ACHs and loan or cash reserve payments

  • Reordering debit cards or checks

Send Us a Message

Not finding what you're looking for? Fill out the form below and our team will get you the answer you need! Reminder, please do not enter any sensitive or personal information in the form below. (Example, social security number, account number, etc)